Egypt: Coronavirus Crisis Management Committee issues important decision to contain the

2021-12-14 12:23:00 By : Mr. SHAO Sam

Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli presided over a meeting of the New Coronavirus Crisis Management High Committee on Thursday. The meeting issued a number of important decisions and took measures to curb the spread of the pandemic.

The committee decided to make it mandatory to wear masks and prohibit anyone from entering government premises and public institutions without showing a certificate of anti-coronavirus vaccination.

These decisions also include a ban on wedding parties and all indoor events, and the supply of shisha (also known as argileh or shisha) in all cafes.

The committee stated that masks must be worn in all closed areas and open areas without sufficient social distancing space, adding that all government places, places of worship, banks, companies, public stores, and shopping venues will enforce such decisions. Shopping malls, cinemas, theaters, schools, research institutes and universities.

The committee also prohibits public gatherings or any religious celebrations in open or closed areas.

The committee decided to open places of worship for prayers, including prayers for Muslims and church people at noon on Friday, and promised to take preventive and health measures.

Without proof that they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus or undergoing PCR testing at the beginning of each work week, all national employees shall not be allowed to enter their workplaces.

These decisions will take effect today and will be announced in the official gazette.

Read the original article in Egypt online.

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